It’s been a few months since I posted anything and believe me when I say I have started to write this a number of times but failed due to the distractions of other projects.
Over the past few months, I have had a few projects on the go. Since the release of Atlantis (September) and The Limestone Manor (November), I have been working on completing the last two books of Ash and Sun. My goal for this year is to have parts 2 and 3 out to close the trilogy before the end of the year.
My ideal launch date is May 31, 2024 (part 2) and October 12th, 2024 (part 3). That would be two years to the day that I released my debut novel Ash and Sun and it would be my 35th birthday. So, it puts a nice stamp on my two-year mark since deciding to focus on being a writer.
I could not be more thrilled by the reaction that The Limestone Manor has had since its release. I was hoping that people from town would find it an intriguing and fun read. It is always interesting to read – and in my case write – something about a place we know and love. But I have been pleasantly surprised by the number of people, not from town who have engaged with the story.
Within the feedback for the story, there have been many requests for a second book, so I am happy to announce that I started revisiting the residence of the Limestone Manor this past week and have the first 5000 words down; with any luck shortly after I finish writing this it will be at 6000!
I would like to take my time getting the next couple of stories finished. Over the last year and a bit, my focus has just been on content creation. I think moving forward I would like to work on getting each book ready for release while I continue to strive for higher professional standards.
I have learned a lot about myself and my process since starting this endeavour. I’m getting better at understanding my strengths and more importantly my weaknesses when it comes to writing. My primary goal however, is and will always be to continue to enjoy the process.
I want to take a moment to thank any of you who have managed to read this far, and I also want to make a promise that I will continue to do my best. I appreciate your patience while I continue to grow and work towards releasing all of the stories that are in my head. I truly wish I could write them as fast as they run through my mind but unfortunately, I’m not that fast.
Thank you for reading, please reach out via email at Jonny@jonnyonthepage.com. I am always happy to hear from people. As always, the next chapter is coming soon!